Frequently asked questions
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Where can i shop for NaturalCozy Baskets?
Visit us on www.amazon.com/naturalcozy. Currently we sell our baskets solely on amazon so our customers can receive and enjoy these baskets within 2 days with Prime Shipping.
I've questions with the baskets we've ordered
Feel free to contact us via the website chat on the bottom right corner, direct message us on instagram (@natural_cozy) or email us at hello@naturalcozy.com.
How the extended warranty works?
NaturalCozy takes pride on the quality of our natural baskets, by submitting your name, order ID and email address with us, we will provide an extended 12 months warranty where any manufacturer defective can be reported and receive a partial refund or replacement.
Please contact us at hello@naturalcozy.com for any further question or issue.
Do you wholesale your products at business price?
Please contact us at hello@naturalcozy.com to submit your interest and inquiry.